Welcome to South Bay Financial Partners, our vision is to help the most people we can to live their best financial lives.
Book an Intro MEeting NowWe understand your needs and desires
With over 25 years of experience in the financial planning industry, we have extensive knowledge in making challenging day to day money decisions, managing debt, investing, taxes, insurance, estate planning, and dealing with retirement transitions.
Take a look at how we can help.
Our mission at South Bay Financial Partners is to help the most people we can to live their best financial lives. To do this, we provide three types of services that cover a multitude of needs.
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Life is too short to not spend it doing the things that you love
Our goal is to tell you to do the things you enjoy doing that lead to a fulfilling life while building a financial plan that supports your lifestyle.
In this relationship you are the decision maker
Our role is to
Sometimes people just need guidance and to know they are supported along the way.

Your Amazing Financial Life
Our most economical service, this subscription based, members-only, virtual community helps you learn about all aspects of personal finances. Individual questions lead to information that helps everyone. We keep the stress low and have a blast while doing it!
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In this entryway to our other services; Delivered in six sessions – Our FreshStart Program is designed as a service that all new clients must experience. In this program, we work with our clients to create an achievable plan built around their goals and life intentions.
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Ongoing Support
We will support you and offer expert advice on all aspects of your financial life from goal planning, debt assessments, insurance planning, to generational wealth transfer, consideration of short and long-term tax implications, and money conversations with family.
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Financial Therapy
- Your money beliefs affect your behaviors and responses. We have the tools and expertise to dig deeper and find the root of the money stories that you tell yourself and to implement money stories and beliefs that help you, not hurt you.
Kickstart Your Financial Future Today
In this relationship, you are always the decision maker; our role is to observe trends, offer insight, and to help frame choices.
Get Started Today!Resources
Looking to learn more about creating your own financial success story? Check out some of these free resources from our team of experts.
May 28, 2020
Advisors hire next-generation talent to thrive. Here’s how some practices have already done it
April 28, 2020
SBFP Resources and Information Hub for Young Adults, Freelancers and Business Owners